CHARLES FULLER Charles Fuller, farmer and stock raiser, of Madison County, was born in Middlesex County, Mass., December 20, 1824, and is the son of Charles and Jane (Blodgett) Fuller. The father was born in Leominster, Worcester Co., Mass., April 6, 1793, and died April 23, 1879. He was a descendant of Edward Fuller, who came over with the second party pf Pilgrims that landed in America, and his mother's name was Dustin, a descendant of Hannah Dustin, of historical fame. Charles Fuller, Jr., while still quite young, began learning the carpenters trade in Massachusetts, and at the age of twenty-six years went west and spent four years in the gold mines of California, meeting with fair success. After returning to Massachusetts he again worked at his trade, became a contractor, and at the age of forty-five moved to Kansas, and for ten years followed agricultural pursuits. He sold out in 1881, emigrated to Missouri, and located in Madison County, where he now owns 190 acres of land. He has been married three times, his first wife being Miss Elizabeth Luke, who bore him one child, Edward, who is now in the employ of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad. The third wife's name was Mrs. Henry (Rousine) Dedrich. She is of French descent, and a native of Ste. Genevieve County, Mo. Frank Rousine, father of Mrs. Fuller, was born in Ste. Genevieve County, Mo., in 1808, and died in February 1879. He was a farmer by occupation. His wife was born in St. Francois County in 1829, and died in Ste. Genevieve County, Mo., in 1852. She was the mother of three children, two now living, Mr. Fuller has visited Central America, and has been along the route of the Nicaragua and Panama Canal was in South America, Island of Cuba, Jamaica, Isle of Pines, and also through Canada and Old Mexico, and has visited all the cities of the United States having over 100,000 inhabitants. |